quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2013



Mais Informações:

S.O.S Ação Mulher e Família: (19) 3232-1544

Coletivo Feminista Sexualidade e Saúde: (11) 3034-2321 (Disque SOS) / 3812-8681 (secretaria CFSS)




sábado, 23 de fevereiro de 2013

Love the dream and you

 Also Fairies dream, the desire is still great to have you in my arms
's not know why just a great love
but I'm sure we'll still be together, I was the sky and the stars you all of me remember you.
I was the flowers and the garden you, what would you without me, dream of a summer love, I said you were the air I breathed.
Even knowing it would be impossible That is the love goddess, a mortal, invest in our dreams.
Love in paradise it was a bit of me in my dreams your hands,'s not cry for me, cry for you and the great love that you lost.
Do not lie you still love me for who loves not make my heart bleed my eyes cry.
You can leave but Know That greater love that I gave you, you will never find.
I'm here and my love and longing If the world was only the truths inside of us never need to think of the word love, because nobody would live without your true love.
Forgetting you would be: losing my identity, my personality change, erase the better part of my life ... All this because I love you
Even so you'll take me, I write it in letters of blood with the Certainty That one day my tears will delete


                                   signs Paul x brow


quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2013

Tudo que procurei em você foi um pouco de mim

Achei em mim uma razão para viver 

Tudo que procurei em você foi um pouco de mim

No silencio das palavras  que eu nunca disse 

Na escuridão cega da noite .

perdi você !

Em um grito sem palavras ,em um choro sem lagrimas.

Perdi você!

 Nos meus olhos rolam duas lagrimas 

mesmo sabendo que elas são pedras de diamantes 

não fiz força nenhuma para não chorar .

Em mim resta somente eu e os fraguimentos de 

um amor e uma saudade dos momentos que vivemos .

Hoje o sol não é sol as estrelas não brilham mais

O cheiro ficou sem sabor e o frio ficou sem calor .

E as mentiras das palavras loucas  que foram ditas 

restou apenas um sussuro na memoria ,como se fosse 

o lamento de uma alma que apenas queria viver você .

Perdi você ! 

Perdi você !

                                                Assina Paulo de Andrade




domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2013

Escandalos e pedofilia e um imperio moral falido

A benção papa bento ,os escandalos e padres pedofilos não poderia 

ser pior para o chefe da maior religião do mundo .

 Uma religião que matou mais do que os nazistas em nome de deus ,

sempre a frente da religião a cruz e a espada .

Mas o que esta em jogo não é a religião ou o poder de agregar 

pessoas de um papa ,mas sim o poder economico em questão 

vender jesus cristo e o céu na atualidade é o maior negocio do mundo

E nesse caso o papa vem perdendo espaço para os pastores que vendem 

muito melhor o céu e jesus cristo .

Pastores tem outros produtos, os produtos mais vendidos são

um pedaço do céu ,curas de doenças impossiveis entre outros produtos 

da industria da fé .

A igreja catolica não se modernizou , esta velha!! os seus lideres 

estão na época em que pilula Anticoncepcional era vista como um arma 

que matava anjos ..

Mas o grande erro da igreja catolica foi se aliar aos nazistas e a todos senhores 

feudais da geração passada .

Vida longa A  Joseph Alois Ratzinger, o ser humano que o tempo conseguiu 

derrotar e fazer a sua jornada mais curta a frente de uma das mais controversa 

instituição do mundo a igreja catolica . 

                                   Assina Paulo de andrade


O negro o preconceito e a espada

Ser negro no brasil é ser ¨marginal ¨ ,negro tem que morar em guetos ( favelas) 

negro tem que ser analfabeto ,negro tem que ter o menor salario .

Negro é vitima de que ? se não da sua própria ignorância .

O negro vota ? sim o negro vota .

O negro paga impostos ? sim o negro paga as altas cargas tributarias.

Então fica a pergunta porque o negro ainda é jogado a margem em uma sociedade de maioria negra ou mulata .

Somos uma sociedade racista ?

Somos uma sociedade educada por senhores feudais ?

É hora de uma nova visão dos próprios negros ,o racismo começa na cozinha da casa de cada um de nós .

Novela da Rede Globo  tem 90% de artista brancos ,na politica 90% de políticos brancos ,no comando de grande companhias 90% de gestores brancos.

Nós negros mostramos para os nossos filhos que o mundo tem 90% de pessoas que tem a cor pele branca .

Sou contra cotas afinal não quero ser chamado de negro incapaz ,temos a mesma capacidade de qualquer outra pessoa.

O Racismo é alimentado por quem não sabe que todos somos de uma só origem ,de onde viemos e para onde iremos o destino final é o mesmo para negros e brancos ricos ou pobres .



                                    assina Paulo De andrade

quarta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2013

Bodies that bleeds

                                 Bodies that bleeds

What is the profile of a pedophile, a black man, a businessman, an old man, a young nobody knows what will be the image that pedophile will try to entice your child or a child you know.
fact is that they are out there and somehow try to entice your children, whether in a social network on the Internet, at school or on the street is always good to keep your children in plain sight.
it's hard to think or investigate them because pedophiles are always above suspicion.

 What is sex? to ask a girl on the verge of a major highway! the answer is impressive ¨ sex is when a girl goes to bed with a man and earn money to help her mother ¨

 My big struggle is to end sexual tourism in Brazil and fight a crime that exists for more nefarious, abusing a child who does not even know what you're doing.

 The script of sex tourism tourist pedophiles are usually the areas that surround the beaches, the poverty of families leads mothers to turn a blind eye to this serious crime.
but not that it justifies all the girls who were being questioned why the edges of the roads the answer was one, help family (bring food for them).


 Kids are just kids screaming for us to help pedophiles to a piece of worthless meat.
to the political map of a statistic cold pedophilia and prostitution in Brazil.
And for you what would it be?



terça-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2013

Children used by pedophiles say, is to help her mother having sex


                        sells up pieces of meat from the bodies of children

The tourism industry for pedophiles
Not welcome in Brazil who comes to sex tourism, and tourism is totally disapproved of pedophilia which is offered mainly in the northeast of Brazil, the girls are still children played in the hands of Wolves cannibals who ruthlessly uses them to meet their desire for human flesh.
Girls from poor dull eyes, the brightness of soul stolen by vampires who steals dreams, steals the purity of childhood.
Sex tourism in Brazil is so cruel that even makes its victims sex slaves without any rights for men without heart.
Do you hear me thru the letters, the only way I have to try to prevent these vampires souls of children, do not question government or public policy because even here in Brazil we do not have people managers, corrupt politicians and we do not think that many children struggle less to help them.
Try to imagine a 10 year old girl having sex to keep your family financially, a prostitute in the prime of his childhood.
but it is a cruel chain pedophiles go beyond children 5 years old or less
these vampires are turning the child into soulless zombies.
but dear fellow reader as someone can say to these girls that they are sex slaves, if the only ones who have swapped to feed their families comes from prostitution.


The issue is that Brazil is rich in Brazil but the few poor and no future for these girls and victims of pedophiles thieves infant souls.
The issue is not a justice that punishes corruption a policy abandoned by the people who should be the minimum for youth and children.
It remains to us citizens close their eyes and not see that the children of our childhood is stolen by tourists invited by us to the paradise of pedophilia

With the reshaping of the Criminal Code in 2009, any kind of sexual contact with children and adolescents, even without carnal knowledge, rape has been considered and therefore qualified as a heinous crime. Law 12015 of 7 August that year, has treated more rigorously the now called sexual crimes against dignity. There was aggravation of penalties and procedural measures, especially for crimes committed against minors.


                                                             Signs Paul X brow

segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2013

safe in my hands for a minute my love

A letter from an angel

I wanted you to know that in all those landscapes, which thine eyes have seen, was always by your side, and when the wind soft, teased your hair, dabbed his face, I was kissing her, you smile, remember?

Yes I was, at that moment when, if staggered and almost fell, and laughed, because she felt supported, protected, yes I was, who held you by the hand.

That time I wept with longing, in the solitude of your room, I was there by your side and I calmed down when I started to sing in your ear that beautiful song, and you stopped crying, you smiled, and again, I by your side until they fell asleep, without tears, without fear, without those old nightmares, you're scared.

Now I want you to know that right now I'm with you, and share this joy with me ... Learn who never leave thee, nor when the silence comes, even when laughter make it disappear between your tears and your smiles will always be by your side.

I am your angel, your my wings and shelter.

It is part of my essence love you till the end ...

It is part of my essence love you till the end ...

One day I found someone very special who changed my life, taught me to be a better person than I am ...
At first I did not understand what was the purpose of it all, like someone more than myself, live in an imaginary world, hoping every day that a person would not see me ...
It was like sitting in front of the house and wait for someone to get you company at the end of the day, but that person never came and it was a daily frustration, time passed, loneliness increased, the heart dies every night.
The only thing I thought about was to somehow make the other happy, even as being something completely impossible to achieve, but do not lose hope or the will to achieve such action.
The days passed, but will only increased as increased the anguish, to dissolve any emotional bond to leave alive only feeling that I moved, an intense feeling of complicity, of companionship, of longing, of dedication, of happiness.
My body was no longer the same and disappointments, frustrations, anxieties, desires, I have been sick, and that feeling of love was what made the pain to be stronger in my chest and my body weaker, I was falling into decay of reason and seeing that he felt did not depend only on me but on the other they also had their desires, their frustrations, their anxieties, their dreams, and that maybe I was not part of them.
One day still half sick, I realized I was letting my own feelings mistreat me psychologically, and that love he felt, let the side effects of non-consummation being spread through my body, leaving me weak, worried, suffered. Until one day I decided to continue it in a more perfect love, as if love people who are not part of our lives, but our lives are ... So, I'm sure you always loved and is part of my essence love you till the end ...

Romantic thoughts (for First Nation Diva ❝ ❞ @Tsuliena

Romantic thoughts (for First Nation Diva ❝ ❞@ Tsuliena
- The quest for spirituality is the biggest reason this life. We must seek the light, grow as a person forever.
- True love and friendship is what really matters in life. Material things are important and also give pleasure, but true happiness is to share happiness with others, this is the great magic of life.
- The biggest fool is the one who calls himself as a wise person. True wisdom is to recognize your mistakes, imperfections and always seek to learn from everyone, even people more foolish.
- The selfish is always claiming that the other is happy because he found what he sought. The romantic happiness is only complete when you help others find what they are looking for
- It is much more selfless person who helps a bit those who do not love than to help that much only one she loves.
- It do romantic declarations of love or praise networks sociais.Porém, who praises others in public may actually be wanting to praise or even indirectly praising himself.
- Nobody gets through this life without making mistakes. Therefore, it is not necessary to have pride. Knowing how to recognize mistakes and correct them fetch is a great virtue. Apologize a gesture of grandeur.

- The memory is the memory of the mind, the heart is gratitude. We should always thank all who have been or are on our side, forgetting the ego: All victories in our lives because we had only been achieved in supporting someone.
- It's always good to thank everyone who helped us, served us, educated us, loved us, supported us, have patience with our mistakes .... Without these people we would not be nothing, nothing would have.
- When it comes to love, many people still believe there is such a "right person", others say unluckily only attract the wrong people. In fact, right or wrong is how we relate or react to situations and people we love.

- Even those who came into our lives, disagreed, discussed or distanced themselves from gratitude we should have, because often made us reflect on how we are and how we can improve. The world would be much better if people knew more forgiving understand that we live in is all for the good, for the positive.