sexta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2014



¨Beside you discovered that between dream and reality, there is a space called happiness, and that my happiness will come true, I need to be by your side.¨

The time can erase the memory of a body or a face, but never those of people like you who know how to make a small moment, a great moment!

There are the beautiful things that mark our lives, but the people who have the gift of never being forgotten, just like you.

domingo, 20 de julho de 2014


the problem

Violence against women takes many forms - physical, sexual, psychological and economic. These forms of violence are interrelated and affect women from before birth to old age.

Some types of violence, such as trafficking in women, cross national borders.

Women who experience violence suffer a range of health problems, and their ability to participate in pubic life decreases. Violence against women harms families and communities of all generations and reinforces other violence prevalent in society.

Violence against women also impoverishes women, their families, their communities and their countries.

Violence against women is not confined to a culture, a specific region or country, or to groups of women in particular within a society. The roots of violence against women stem from the persistent discrimination against women.

About 70% of women experience some form of violence during their lifetime.

Women aged 15 to 44 years are most at risk from rape and domestic than from cancer, car accidents, war and malaria violence, according to World Bank data.

Violence by an intimate partner

The most common form of violence experienced by women around the world is physical violence by an intimate partner, where women are beaten, forced to have sexual relations or otherwise abused.

A study by the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted in 11 countries found that the percentage of women subjected to sexual violence by an intimate partner varies from 6% in Japan to 59% in Ethiopia.

Several global surveys suggest that half of all female homicide victims are killed by their husbands or partners, past or present.

In Australia, Canada, Israel, South Africa and the United States, 40% to 70% of female homicide victims were killed by their partners, according to the World Health Organization
In Colombia, every six days a woman is killed by her partner or ex-partner.
Psychological or emotional violence by intimate partners is also widespread.

sexual violence

It is estimated that, worldwide, one in five women will become a victim of rape or attempted rape during life.

The practice of early marriage - a form of sexual violence - is common worldwide, especially in Africa and South Asia. Girls are often forced to marry and have sex, which carries health risks, including exposure to HIV / AIDS and the limitation of school attendance.

One of the effects of sexual abuse is traumatic gynecologic fistula: an injury resulting from severe disruption of the vaginal tissues, leaving the woman incontinent and socially undesirable.

Sexual violence in conflict

Sexual violence in conflict is a serious current atrocity affecting millions of people, mostly women and girls.

It is often a deliberate strategy employed on a large scale by armed groups to humiliate opponents, terrify individuals and destroy societies. Women and girls may also be subjected to sexual exploitation by those who have an obligation to protect them.

Women, whether grandparents or babies, have routinely suffered violent sexual abuse at the hands of soldiers and rebel forces.

Rape has long been used as a tactic of war, with reports of violence against women during or after armed conflicts in all areas of international or non-international war.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, approximately 1,100 rapes are reported each month, with an average of 36 women and girls raped every day. It is believed that more than 200,000 women have suffered sexual violence in the country since the beginning of the armed conflict.
Rape and sexual abuse of women and girls permeates the conflict in Darfur, Sudan
Between 250,000 and 500,000 women were raped during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.
Sexual violence was a characteristic trait of the civil war that lasted 14 years in Liberia.
During the conflict in Bosnia in the early 1990s, between 20 and 50 thousand women were raped.
Violence and HIV / AIDS

The inability to negotiate safe sex and refuse unwanted sex is closely linked to the high incidence of HIV / AIDS. The Unwanted sex results in increased risk of bruising and bleeding, which facilitates the transmission of the virus.

Women who are battered by their partners are 48% more prone to HIV / AIDS.

Young women are particularly vulnerable to coerced sex and are increasingly infected with HIV / AIDS. More than half of new HIV infections worldwide occur among young people aged 15 to 24 years, and over 60% of young people infected with the virus are women in this age group.

Excision / Female Genital Mutilation

The Excision / Female Genital Mutilation (FGM / C) refers to several types of mutilation operations performed on women and girls.

It is estimated that over 130 million girls and women alive today have undergone FGM / C, especially in Africa and some Middle East countries.
It is estimated that 2 million girls a year are under threat of suffering genital mutilation.
Murder for dowry

The dowry murder is a brutal practice in which a woman is killed by her husband or relatives of this because the family can not meet the demands of dowry - a payment made ​​to the husband's family upon marriage as a gift to the new bride's family.

Although dowries or similar payments predominate worldwide, dowry murders occur mainly in South Africa

"Homicide in defense of honor"

In many societies, rape victims, women suspected of practicing pre-marital sex, and women accused of adultery have been murdered by their relatives because the violation of chastity of women is an affront to the honor of the family.

The Population Fund (UNFPA) estimates that the annual worldwide number of so-called "murder in defense of honor" can reach 5000 women.

Trafficking in persons

Between 500,000 and 2 million people are trafficked annually in situations including prostitution, forced labor, slavery or servitude, according to estimates. Women and girls account for about 80% of the victims detected.

Violence during pregnancy

Violence before and during pregnancy has serious consequences for the health of mother and child. Leads to high-risk pregnancies and pregnancy-related problems, including miscarriage, premature labor and low birth weight.

Female infanticide, prenatal sex selection and systematic neglect of girls are widespread in South and West Asia, North Africa and the Middle East.

Discrimination and violence

Many women face multiple forms of discrimination and an increasing risk of violence.

In Canada, Indigenous women are five times more likely to die as a result of violence than other women of the same age.
In Europe, North America and Australia, more than half of women with disabilities have experienced physical abuse, compared to a third of women without disabilities.
Violence against women detained by the police is common and includes sexual violence, inadequate surveillance, magazines denuded performed by men and demanding sexual acts in exchange for privileges or basic needs.

The costs of violence against women are extremely high. Include the direct costs of services for the treatment and support of abused women and their children, and to bring the culprits to justice.

Indirect costs include loss of employment and productivity, and the costs in terms of human pain and suffering.

The cost of domestic violence between couples, only in the United States exceeds $ 5.8 billion per year: $ 4.1 billion on medical services and health care, while lost productivity totals almost 1.8 million dollars.
A 2004 study in the UK estimated that the total indirect costs, direct and domestic violence, including pain and suffering, reach 23 billion pounds per year, or 440 pounds per person.

sábado, 21 de junho de 2014

A menina do oriente ( primeira parte )

Nova ainda ela havia se casado com um oriental por conveniência , nos olhos
a dor de ter que deixar os amigos no brasil era maior que felicidade de viver
na terra do sol nascente .
Ela sonhava com um amor de contos fadas, muito romantismo no coração
e uma vontade enorme de ser feliz no amor ,fazia a menina do oriente sonhar
com noites românticas na terra do sol nascente .
Mas o tempo foi passando e nada da menina ver aquele amor que havia sonhado
se tonar realidade , era apenas um castelo sem sonhos um amor sem calor ela trancada
em uma masmorra vazia dentro do próprio eu.

O tempo passou assim como o seu amor por aquele oriental sem calor humano,
sem amor pobre menina do oriente agora sozinha sem destino em um pais que ela
escolheu para viver um grande amor.
Sem ter um grande amor ela vaga noites e noites na busca do seu grande amor pelas ruas vazias
de um pais onde o amor fica sempre em segundo plano .
Entre maquinas,computadores e robôs tudo ali tão frio ,tão distante da realidade da menina
do oriente ,os olhos verdes da menina vagava rumo ao ocidente sonhado com um príncipe
encantado que pudesse tira-la daquele pesadelo .

Mas as mesma maquinas que ela tanto odiava iria dar um alento para o seu coração
ela havia se apaixonado por uma imagem em um destes programas das redes sociais .
No computador em uma pagina da rede social a imagem parecia falar com ela , as palavras
eram para ela , a menina do oriente tinha certeza aquele era o príncipe encantado , as palavras
passavam em filipetas e ela respondia com sim ou com não as palavras escritas .
 A menina contava as horas para o seu príncipe entrar na rede ,cada segundo era
mais um segundo de sofrimento .
Era um amor platônico sem igual , é ele! diz a menina como se tudo que o seu príncipe da
da Internet escrevesse fosse para ela .

sexta-feira, 18 de abril de 2014

My Paradise

My Paradise

There will be no time to think of her, when you're here with me
You been frontin on this n that, what you gonna do for me
sayin "I know where its at, and you know i can set it free"

I got your passport, and your visa to my paradise
no baggage to claim
no more of her pain
but you need to decide
i wanna make you soar higher than any star in the night
come through my door
gonna make you beg for more
cuz im gonna be your flight

i know youre confused, you dont know what to do
you say "I'm a fool", and you're being abused
but i'm simply not amused, at your vague atitude

You need to meet me at the gate, check in boy 
dont make me wait! you have to make a move, 
not going to be your toy,im just gettin into a groove

I got your passport, and your visa to my paradise
no baggage claim
no more of her pain
but you need to decide
i wanna make you soar higher than any star in the night
come through my door
gonna make you beg for more
cuz im gonna be your flight

Odd Summer

sábado, 5 de abril de 2014

Love can not die

                                   back into his arms

back into his arms is the same back to the magical world. 
kiss your lips is like removing the scent of flowers. 
look at their eyes is the same look the moon on a dark night. 
you summarize is impossible, because its beauty is greater than all the letters I could write. 
It would not be possible to say with lyrics all i think is beautiful on you. 
Not my beloved'm not the only poet of a sentence, is that my letters will never express when you think wonderful. 
Some letters just to say how much I love you, it would be crazy! 
I will summarize you like, can be an angel! a queen who knows! 
Or just the woman of my dreams, how can I fail to be in his arms for a second. 
If I am away from you My heart beats faster as a lament and say that you only want the most beautiful woman in the universe. 

Love you more than yesterday

domingo, 30 de março de 2014

could love me.

She said in a look that could love me
eyes shone like a star at dusk
Her lips begged to be kissed
The most beautiful lips I had seen
I paused for a moment in disbelief that a being so wonderful
could love me.

do not know if it was love, I know it was that was flying without leaving the ground
looked endlessly and that magic sensible figure in front of me.
Were you girl, you angel was standing right there looking at me asking to be loved.
without saying a word without making a single gesture, we unite our souls
We promise to love each other for life.
Hoped that the gods would allow me to touch you, I just wanted a mortal who love and love you a goddess or rather the goddess of beauty mistress of love.
I can only thank the gods that love you and to be able to live for a moment beside the most beautiful woman in the universe.


Paul x brow

sábado, 29 de março de 2014

I decided

I decided write about us and our love
I decided scream and tell the world to hear how much love you
I decided kill my fear and dry my tears
I decided embrace the distance you make my soul fly to you
I decided say what he had said and never ever had written
I decided to stop whining about not having you here
I decided to love you and never lie
I decided to talk about love without fear shamelessly I decided speak words of love
I decided on a two words to say I love you
I decided to forget about me live you
I decided that the world only exists because you exist

I decided to love you forever

domingo, 23 de março de 2014

I have nothing - Paula Eduarda a nova voz do Brasil

Homenagem para uma guerreira da musica 

gestos e palavras irão fazer da pequena grande garota um fenômeno da musica mundial .

Aposte na Paula eduarda e vai ver, o mundo é seu menina siga cantando e amando muito o ser humano   

Beijos  e abraços desse amigo 

Paul X brow 

Lenços de pano


Como eu amo essa mulher , desejos ardentes beijos quentes
Nunca tinha amado alguém .
Sentia a boca seca o suor na pele quando avistava 
alguém tão especial quanto aquela mulher .
Em todos os encontros ela trazia para mim lindos lenços de pano 
um mimo de presente .
E nosso amor fluía como se fossemos velhos conhecidos
sabe o que flutuar e voar pairar no ar de tanta felicidade.
Assim era o nosso amor utópico demais mas eu nunca questionaria
um amor que me fazia tão bem.
E a cada encontro ela trazia os famosos lenços de pano cada um
mais lindo do que outro.
Noite quente de verão eu sozinho a espera da mulher mais 
linda do universo ,mas ela não chegava .
Fiquei só ao lado do telefone o coração batia mais forte 
e saudade me fazia ver coisas ,ouvir a voz dela .
O silencio da noite me fazia quase enlouquecer onde pode estar
a minha amada .
Era uma data especial ,enfeitei o apartamento com rosas e fiz 
um caminho de flores até onde eu estava ,mas onde estava a minha 
amada .
Tentei ligar no outro dia e no outro e mais outro dia  , triste demais 
e sem querer pensar que ela tinha me abandonado .
Dois meses depois tive a certeza do abandono ,ao abrir as caixas 
dos lenços de pano cada uma tinha um bilhete. 

¨Meu amor esse lenço de pano é
para você enxugar as lagrimas que
sei que irão rolar dos seus olhos
vou partir deixar você para sempre
mas vou te amar por toda vida ¨